Earthing Relay

AST offers the following types of Ground Detectors (earthing safety products):

The Smart Ground Detector is designed to continuously monitor the resistance levels in bonding and grounding connections. Ensuring a reliable low-resistance path between objects and the ground. his advanced functionality provides unmatched safety by preventing the accumulation of dangerous static charges on industrial equipment.

It features an interlocking mechanism that prevents the transfer of products to or from an object unless proper grounding protection is in place. The device verifies the potential level of the object or vessel. Only when this potential matches the reference ground level (Earth pit) does the Smart Ground Detector permit further operations. The Smart Ground Detector not only protects assets and personnel but also ensures compliance with safety regulations.

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  • Intrinsic safe design
  • Monitors earth potential and detects resistance in the earth loop
  • Available in Single or Dual channel options
  • Ensures low resistance in the earth loop
  • Used in standalone operations
  • Varieties of Earthing clamps are available to suit the application

Standards & Certification

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
  • Certifications: PESO

The Smart Ground Detector+ (SGD+) is an enhanced version of the Smart Ground Detector, offering all the features of the SGD while introducing the advanced Road Truck Recognition (RTR) feature for additional safety and operational efficiency. The RTR feature ensures that loading or unloading operations commence only when the system detects that the grounding clamps are connected to a road tanker and not any other grounded structure, such as an earthed pipe or frame.

This prevents accidental operations in unsafe conditions and adds a critical layer of verification for road tanker safety. By distinguishing between a road tanker and other grounded structures, the SGD+ prevents potential misoperations that could lead to static charge buildup and hazardous situation.

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  • Ensures that clamps are connected through Loading Vehicle only and not through a fix structure
  • The Earthing Status can be transmitted over a remote computer via built-in serial port through Modbus RTU protocol
  • Easy connection to vehicles with rugged plug & socket arrangement & spiral cable
  • Detects resistance in the earth loop and Monitors earth potential
  • Ensures low resistance in the earth pit

Standards & Certification

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb -20 ℃ ≤ Ta ≤ +60 ℃
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards:
    • PESO Approved Model: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
    • ATEX Approved Model: EN IEC 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN 60079-11, EN 60079-31
    • IECEx Approved Model: IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-1, IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-31
  • Certifications: PESO, ATEX, IECEx

The Smart Ground Detector i+, is an intelligent grounding device that offers all the features of SGD+ while displaying important parameters on an integral colour display.

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  • Important parameters like Earth status, Resistance & Capacitance set points, Impedance range, and device & communication health status are displayed over 4.3″ integrated TFT colour display.
  • Ensures that clamps are connected through Loading Vehicle only and not through a fix structure
  • Easy connection to vehicles with rugged plug & socket arrangement & spiral cable
  • Detects resistance in the earth loop and Monitors earth potential
  • The Earth Status can be transmitted over a remote computer via built-in serial port through Modbus RTU protocol

Standards & Certification

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb -20 oC <= Ta <= +60 oC
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
  • Certifications: PESO

Earthing Relay

AST offers the following types of Ground Detectors (earthing safety products):

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All the three ground detectors provide unparalleled safety in industries where static charge accumulation can lead to catastrophic incidents. Whether it’s the transfer of flammable liquids in petroleum, petrochemical, and industrial sectors; milling, grinding and container filling in pharmaceutical industries; unloading solvents in paint industries or handling sugar, wheat flour and combustible powders in food and beverage processes, the Smart Ground Detector ensures effective static grounding. It is also indispensable for commercial applications like diesel generator refuelling, unloading process of LPG & Kerosene, where static buildup during fuel transfer is a major hazard. By grounding static charges efficiently, it protects against fire and explosion risks, making it the ideal safety solution for critical processes across sectors. In terminal automation, the device monitors accumulated static charges on the Tank-trucks or Rail wagons during loading/unloading operation. And ensure that conditions remain safe till the loading/unloading is completed.


1. SGD

  • Intrinsic safe design
  • Monitors earth potential and detects resistance in the earth loop
  • Available in Single or Dual channel options
  • Ensures low resistance in the earth loop
  • Used in standalone operations
  • Varieties of Earthing clamps are available to suit the application

2. SGD+

  • Ensures that clamps are connected through Loading Vehicle only and not through a fix structure
  • The Earthing Status can be transmitted over a remote computer via built-in serial port through Modbus RTU protocol
  • Easy connection to vehicles with rugged plug & socket arrangement & spiral cable
  • Detects resistance in the earth loop and Monitors earth potential
  • Ensures low resistance in the earth pit

3. SGDI+

  • Important parameters like Earth status, Resistance & Capacitance set points, Impedance range, and device & communication health status are displayed over 4.3″ integrated TFT colour display.
  • Ensures that clamps are connected through Loading Vehicle only and not through a fix structure
  • Easy connection to vehicles with rugged plug & socket arrangement & spiral cable
  • Detects resistance in the earth loop and Monitors earth potential
  • The Earth Status can be transmitted over a remote computer via built-in serial port through Modbus RTU protocol

Standard & Certification

1. SGD

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
  • Certifications: PESO

2. SGD+

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb -20 oC <= Ta <= +60 oC
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards:
    • PESO Approved Model: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
    • ATEX Approved Model: EN IEC 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN 60079-11, EN 60079-31
    • IECEx Approved Model: IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-1, IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-31
  • Certifications: PESO, ATEX, IECEx

3. SGDi+

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb -20 oC <= Ta <= +60 oC
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
  • Certifications: PESO

Standard & Certification

1. SGD

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
  • Certifications: PESO

2. SGD+

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb -20 oC <= Ta <= +60 oC
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards:
    • PESO Approved Model: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
    • ATEX Approved Model: EN IEC 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN 60079-11, EN 60079-31
    • IECEx Approved Model: IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-1, IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-31
  • Certifications: PESO, ATEX, IECEx

3. SGDi+

  • Area Classification: Ex db [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb -20 oC <= Ta <= +60 oC
  • Ingress Protection: IP66
  • Standards: IS/IEC 60079-0, IS/IEC 60079-1, IS/IEC 60079-11, IS/IEC 60529
  • Certifications: PESO

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